State Sovereignty

The U.S. Constitution is a compact between the states. This compact formed the federal government. The federal government did not form the states.

The people delegated powers to the states when they were formed. Things that were required to keep states safe and secure. Things that the people of these states could not do alone.

The states in turn delegated 18 powers to the federal government they created with the constitution.

The states hold all the cards. Why are we kowtowing to the federal government? Why do we let them tell us what we can and can’t do?

We have to remember the chain of power. The people hold all the cards. They have asked the states to handle many things for them. The states, in turn, have asked the federal government to handle a very limited set of tasks for them.

We are not, as a state, beholding to the Federal government for anything. Quite the contrary, the feds are not only beholding to the States and the People, they are required to perform very minimal tasks for us and nothing more.

These tasks can be found in the Constitution article 1 section 8. Anything outside of those tasks is not only wasteful but unnecessarily, and should be provided at a state or local level, or not at all.

In their wisdom, our founding fathers saw the need to limit government in every aspect, and for good reason. They understood what it meant to deal with an out of control and tyrannical ruler and wanted nothing more to do with it. They wanted to be free to prosper and not be regulated and taxed to death.

Bottom-up Government is the only true government for Liberty.

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